Our Company Mission

To Design spaces with a sustainable approach. We are environmentally conscious and the use of green and sustainable materials are encouraged in any project. Our primary goal is to preserve the environment we live in, designing and creating long-term spaces that improves the quality of life of our clients, that reflect the principles of, preservation, and protection of the environment." (Welcoming, functional, and aesthetically-pleasing for them)

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Minimalism focuses on space, simplicity, and the removal of all unnecessary elements to focus on what needs to be there, what has purpose. Minimalism is immensely important in Valentina's Studio Design process, but making our designs as sustainable as possible is essential too. We integrate nature into our design by applying the influence of Zen Buddhism, the visual aesthetic and the desire for simplicity in connection to one's environment.


As you might know sketching is a rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not usually intended as a finished work but is an amazing tool as it allows designers to quickly visualize multiple design concepts. Construction Documents and Design Boards are professional tools to presents those rough ideas and with that take us to the final part of the process: The Completion.

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